Thursday, March 27, 2025
Steering Committee
Technical Committees
Technical Committees
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1 - Methods and Tools for Loads and Load Effects
1.1 - Design environmental conditions Design environmental conditions
1.2 - Wave induced loads (Non-linear, Hydroelastic)
1.3 - Hydrodynamic Impact Loads (Slamming, Green water, Sloshing)
1.4 - Accidental loads (grounding, collision, fire, explosion)
1.5 - Design Loads
2 - Methods and Tools for Strength Assessment
2.1 - Stress analysis in complex structures
2.2 - Vibration analysis and comfort
2.3 - Ultimate collapse strength
2.4 - Fatigue and Fracture Strength
2.5 - Crashworthiness and impact strength
2.6 - Structural strength under fire and explosion
2.7 - In-service monitoring of structural strength
3 - Experimental Analysis of Structures
3.1 - Experimental Equipment and Techniques
3.2 - Slamming, Shock and vibration testing
3.3 - Ultimate strength tests
3.4 - Fatigue and fracture tests
3.5 - Collision and impact tests
3.6 - Corrosion tests
3.7 - Tests of structures under fire
4 - Materials and Fabrication of Structures
4.1 - Design and fabrication of metallic structures
4.2 - Fabrication Imperfections of Metallic Structures
4.3 - Design and fabrication of structures using composite materials
4.4 - Adhesive bonding
4.5 - Corrosion protection systems
5 - Methods and Tools for Structural Design and Optimisation
5.1 - Methods of design for production and maintenance
5.2 - Tools for preliminary structural design
5.3 - Data exchange and sharing in structural design
5.4 - Structural optimisation tools
6 - Structural Reliability, Safety and Environmental Protection
6.1 - Tools for structural reliability analysis of marine structures
6.2 - Reliability and risk based structural design methods and codes
6.3 - Risk based structural maintenance planning
6.4 - Safety of marine structures
6.5 - Environmental impact of marine structures
Technical Areas
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